We all want our children to be good.
We will even boast about how good they have been or the good things they have done.
When they do the right thing it is great to praise them for what they have done.
Our children need to hear praise and thanks from us when they do good, this helps them grow as people.
Yet there are times we may feel they are only doing good things to get something.
Sometimes they may even be blatant about it, they’ll bargain with us for an icy pole, money or something else in order for us to see them do good.
Their motivations for doing good are not because they want to do good, but so they can get something.
Their heart isn’t into doing good.
Our children are not the only ones who act this way, in fact we often fall for the trap that we will only do good, if we can see some benefit or avoid some punishment. And we may even be critical if someone else gets a benefit if they hadn’t worked as hard as us. Some adults have got this down to a fine art. Their only motivation for doing good is to get something.
The bible however reveals that God sees things and operates differently. In fact God loves us and saves us not because we do good things, listen to Titus 3:5 God saves us, not because of the good things we have done, but because of his mercy. (also check out Romans 11:6) No matter how many good things we do they can’t earn the eternal life that God wants to give us, only Jesus can earn this for us. And Jesus willingly gives us this as a gift. How good is that!!!
Yet God still wants us to be and to do good. He encourages us to do good but not so we benefit. Instead our primary reasons for doing good are to thank and praise God for everything He is doing for us and so that others may benefit and be helped. (Read a little bit more about this in Hebrews 13:15-16 and Galatians 6:7-10).
To discover a little more about what Jesus says about doing good, read Matthew 5:16-20.
Something for you to think about or share as a family
What good things have been done for you that you can thank and praise God for?
Is there anything we need to change about ourselves in relation to doing good?
What are some good things you can do so that others may benefit?
Something to remember this week…..And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)
Pastor Richard Schwedes
We will even boast about how good they have been or the good things they have done.
When they do the right thing it is great to praise them for what they have done.
Our children need to hear praise and thanks from us when they do good, this helps them grow as people.
Yet there are times we may feel they are only doing good things to get something.
Sometimes they may even be blatant about it, they’ll bargain with us for an icy pole, money or something else in order for us to see them do good.
Their motivations for doing good are not because they want to do good, but so they can get something.
Their heart isn’t into doing good.
Our children are not the only ones who act this way, in fact we often fall for the trap that we will only do good, if we can see some benefit or avoid some punishment. And we may even be critical if someone else gets a benefit if they hadn’t worked as hard as us. Some adults have got this down to a fine art. Their only motivation for doing good is to get something.
The bible however reveals that God sees things and operates differently. In fact God loves us and saves us not because we do good things, listen to Titus 3:5 God saves us, not because of the good things we have done, but because of his mercy. (also check out Romans 11:6) No matter how many good things we do they can’t earn the eternal life that God wants to give us, only Jesus can earn this for us. And Jesus willingly gives us this as a gift. How good is that!!!
Yet God still wants us to be and to do good. He encourages us to do good but not so we benefit. Instead our primary reasons for doing good are to thank and praise God for everything He is doing for us and so that others may benefit and be helped. (Read a little bit more about this in Hebrews 13:15-16 and Galatians 6:7-10).
To discover a little more about what Jesus says about doing good, read Matthew 5:16-20.
Something for you to think about or share as a family
What good things have been done for you that you can thank and praise God for?
Is there anything we need to change about ourselves in relation to doing good?
What are some good things you can do so that others may benefit?
Something to remember this week…..And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)
Pastor Richard Schwedes
24 March 2009