Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Inspired thoughts: Developing healthy relationships

Everyday God has placed us in situations where we are mixing with people. People are an essential part of our lives. Often they enrich our lives in obvious ways, other times we only notice them when they are missing. Imagine living your life only interacting with a computer and never meeting another human.

Our relationships are often complex. Fortunately, the bible offers us a lot of wisdom about living and mixing with others. One of the most important relationships that exists is that of family relationships. And as parents, we play an important role in this relationship. Ever noticed how occasionally your children imitate you, and it is not just the good things about you.

Some foundational and important wisdom for families comes from the sixth commandment; you shall not commit adultery. Scriptures reveal that this is not just about inappropriate sex, but about respecting and valuing each other and developing healthy relationships. Through Ephesians chapter 5 God says to us, Honour Christ and put others first. A wife should put her husband first as she does the Lord…A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. (Eph 5: 21, 22, 25). Think about how different your family would be if this always happened. A wife always loving her husband through her words and actions, a husband always prepared to give up stuff even his life so his wife could benefit. And children always respecting each other, putting others first

Such a way of living is tough work, because putting others first, even those who are closest to us, is not natural for us. Some starting points include spending time with each other to discover more about each other, discovering how the other people in your life see the future and other aspects of life. If you would like some help in this area feel free to contact me. Ephesians also offers us some further wisdom in this area, from Ephesians 4 God says to us, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ. (Ephesians 4:32)

Something to think about and share as a family
What are some good things about your family?
What are some ways you put others first in your family?
Does anyone need to hear that you forgive them, or do you need to ask for forgiveness from anyone?

To go a little deeper
Read 1 Thesselonians 5:12-28

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