Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Inspired thoughts: Grandparents a blessing and blessed

The aromas of freshly baked cakes, jubes, freshly brewed tea, fresh linen, mothballs or velvet soap bring forward memories of the times I spent with my grandparents. Even though they had some strange ideas I enjoyed spending time with them. I received treats and special treatment. However it wasn’t until many years later, when my parents became grandparents that I understood how helpful and valuable they are. They weren’t just old child minders, they were people who treasured us and had much to share with us.

Through their stories of life Grandparents often reveal to us a world we could ever imagine. Imagine life with no telephones, toilet paper, or a time when food was so scarce all you had was what you could grow or catch. These were some things I learnt from my grandparents. And through their stories they often pass on the important truths of life and faith, influencing the lives of the young. When St Paul was writing to a young pastor (see 2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 5) he reminded him that his sincere faith in Christ originated from his grandmother. Even today grandparents are consistently in the top 5 most influential people in people’s lives. What a valuable gift.

Grandparents not only give wonderful gifts but they also receive amazing blessings from God. Recently I visited a man who was over the moon, it was like he was in love again, and he was, with the great blessing of a grandchild. Psalm 128 verse 6 reminds us that seeing your children’s children is one of the best blessings you can receive. So if you have a grandparent remember you are one of God’s blessings to them.

On Friday join us for chapel as we celebrate grandparents day, if you know a grandparent whose grandchildren are far away why not bring them along. This is a great way to thank God for these important people in our lives.

Some things to think about or share as a family
What are some of your memories of your grandparents?
What are some important stories and things about God you have heard from your parents and grandparents?
How could we continue blessing our grandparents?

Something to remember
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (Isa. 46:4)

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